
Advanced Counselor in Training: July 14 – August 4

Advanced Counselor in Training (15-17 yr old) *Must fill out and send in a Junior Staff Application 2 positions, 3 week commitment must have completed CIT $290/camper Register Now

Summer Camp July 21 – July 26

Summer Camp (8-13 yr olds) Experience the awesomeness of LVR during these week-long sessions. Each day the campers play in God’s creation with activities like archery & tomahawks, rock climbing […]

Horse Adventures July 21 – July 26

Horse Adventures (8-10 yr olds) Campers can build lasting relationships with the horses and look forward to seeing them each year when they return. They will get demonstrations in grooming, […]

Frontier Village July 21 – July 26

Frontier Village (11-13 yr olds) Campers get to experience how some things were done 150 years ago while staying in cabins that are ready for campers who like adventure. Activities […]

Counselor in Training 1: July 21 – August 4

Counselor in Training 1 (15-17 yr old) CITs have the opportunity to learn about being a counselor. The first week you will take park in a training experience learning how […]

Young Adventurers (6-8 yr olds)

Young Adventurers (6-8 yr olds) These short weekend camps are designed to introduce children to camp for the first time. Your child will have options of fishing, playing games, gold […]

Kinder Kamp (4-5 yr olds)

Kinder Kamp (4-5 yr olds) This special camp is for one child and one parent, grandparent, or guardian. Enjoy many of the fun camp activities with your little one to […]